
A Day at Mousehole Mice

A day at Mousehole Mice.

We welcome the children into the classroom at 8.45am. 

Throughout the morning the children will engage in a mix of both adult and child directed activities within both our inside and outdoor classroom.  We also provide them with a healthy snack during the morning.


The morning session finishes at 12pm where your child can either be picked up or stay on for their lunch. Lunch can either be a packed lunch from home or you can order a school dinner which is pre-arranged with the nursery staff.


The afternoon session starts at 1pm where the children again engage in a mix of both adult and child directed activities both in our inside and outdoor classroom.


The end of the day at Mousehole Mice is 3.15pm.


Our learning takes place in both the indoor and outdoor classroom. We advise that you prepare your child to go out in all weathers, bringing sun-cream and hats, or warmer clothing, like hats and gloves, if needed. 

We are able to provide wellies and full waterproofs for every child in the session.

For safety, we have a password system in place if someone different needs to collect your child.




Through your child’s time at Mousehole Mice we will keep a learning journey of their learning and experiences. This will be through Tapestry which is an online journal. You will receive a log in so that you can view your child’s learning journey.


We use an online platform called Seesaw where we share any important messages or information. You can also contact us on here by sending us a message which we aim to reply to as soon as possible within our working day.


We are always around at the beginning or end of the day so please don’t hesitate to come and talk to us.


If you have any questions or would like to come and see us for a visit please don’t hesitate to contact us, we would me more than happy to help.