

School Uniform 

We are pleased to have a school uniform.  We believe that it establishes our identity and encourages a sense of pride.  It is simple and practical.   Hair affects the smartness as well as the health and safety of our children.  Please keep hair out of your child’s face and tied back.

Our school uniform is:

  • Plain grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore
  • White shirt or polo shirt
  • A school jumper with the school logo (can be purchased from the school office)
  • Plain white, grey or back socks are preferred.
  • Shoes should be black and plain (no logos, stripes etc). In the summer, children may wear plain closed toe sandals or Croc style shoes with a heel strap (black, grey or dark blue only)
  • Jewellery: children may wear one simple braclet and stud earrings only
  • Children should not wear make up to school

From time to time pupils are required to wear appropriate clothing for outdoor education.  This should include wellies, old clothes and a water proof coat.

PE Kit:

Black shorts
Royal blue t-shirt with school logo (can be purchased from the school office)
Plimsolls or trainers
(Please note for winter sports on the field the children may wear track suits and warm clothing on cold days).


The children travel to swimming in their school uniform and change at the pool. 

Jumpers, PE T-shirts and book bags are available from the school office.  We are always very happy to help or advise.

We have a near constant supply of lost clothing in school. It is so much easier to return to its owner if it has a name in it!

Uniform Recycling Rack:

We encourage parents to recycle any uniform that their children have grown out of. This can be accessed in the main entrance to help with the cost of uniform and has proved very successful.